

Social Security Affirmation Statements

Please Note:  In accordance with Nevada Revised Statute 239B.030(2), if the social security number of a person is required to be included in a document that is recorded, filed, or otherwise submitted to a governmental agency on or after January 1, 2007, pursuant to a specific state or federal law, for the administration of a public program or for an application for a federal or state grant, a governmental agency shall ensure that the social security number is maintained in a confidential manner and may only disclose the social security number as required:

(a) To carry out a specific state or federal law; or

(b) For the administration of a public program or an application for a federal or state grant.

Our office strongly suggests that you include one of the following two statements on your documents prior to recording:

______ I, the undersigned, hereby affirm that this document submitted for recording does not contain a Social Security Number,


______ I, the undersigned, hereby affirm that this document submitted for recording does contain a Social Security Number of at least one person, as required by law. Legal requirement cited in the following specific statute:_______________________.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.




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