exemptions are provided to persons meeting certain requirements such as
surviving spouses, orphans, veterans, disabled veterans and blind persons. There is
no longer a senior citizens property tax and renter's rebate program available.
All exemptions require a six month residency along
with appropriate documentation. Filing for exemptions must be done within
specific time periods. For details, call your local County Assessor's Office or the
Department of Taxation.
Does the State of Nevada offer any types of tax assistance or exemptions to individual taxpayers?
Yes, Nevada offers tax exemptions to persons meeting certain requirements such as surviving spouses, and orphans, blind persons, veterans and disabled veterans. These exemptions can be applied to real property, personal property (mobile home, etc.) or used to reduce your vehicle government services tax. The tax dollar amount of the exemption varies depending on the taxing district in which you live. An exemption of $2,200 assessed value would translate to a maximum of $70 saved on your tax bill or $90 off the privilege tax on your vehicle registration.
Who is eligible for a surviving spouse or orphan's exemption and how do I make application?
This exemption applies to either surviving spouses or orphans who are residents of the State of Nevada and is in the amount of $1,000 assessed value adjusted . To receive this exemption, surviving spouses must bring a copy of spouse's death certificate to the Assessor's office when initially applying for the exemption and sign an affidavit of six months residency.
Who qualifies for the "blind" exemption?
The Blind Exemption is in the base amount of $3,000 assessed value and is annually adjusted by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and is available to residents with visual acuity that does not exceed 20/20 in the better eye when corrected, or whose field of vision subtends an angle of 20 degrees or less. To qualify for this exemption, it is necessary to furnish a doctor's statement that the above requirements are met and sign an affidavit of six months' residency.
What are the requirements for a "veterans" exemption?
The Veterans Exemption in the amount of $2,000 assessed, adjusted annually by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and is applicable to honorably discharged veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States who have six months residency in Nevada, served a minimum of ninety (90) days of active duty, and who were assigned to active duty sometime during one of the following periods:
April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918
December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946
June 25, 1950 to January 31, 1955
January 1, 1961 to May 7, 1975
It also includes those who were serving on active duty on August 2, 1990 or thereafter in connection with carrying out the authorization granted to the President of the United States in PUBLIC LAW 102-1 (Persian Gulf Crisis) and who received an honorable discharge or certificate of satisfactory service from the Armed Forces of the United States, or having so served, are still serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. Members of the Merchant Marine who served in support of PUBLIC LAW 102-1 also qualify. When filing for the first time, it is necessary to bring in a copy of your separation papers showing dates of entry and discharge or release from active duty.
What qualifies a veteran for the "disabled veteran" exemption?
The disabled Veteran’s Exemption is provided for veterans who have a permanent service-connected disability of at least 60%. The amount of exemption is dependent on the degree of disability incurred:
60%-79% disabled - $10,000 assessed value
80%-99% disabled - $15,000 assessed value
100% disabled - $20,000 assessed valueAll amounts are adjusted annually by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and are typically more than the base amounts shown here.
The surviving spouse of a disabled veteran who was eligible for this exemption at
the time of the spouses' death may also be eligible to receive the benefits of this
To apply for the exemption, you must be a six month resident of Nevada
and furnish copies of your discharge or separation papers and documentation
of the percentage of service-connected disability from the Veteran’s Administration.
A veteran may dedicate his/her exemption or a portion thereof to the construction
and maintenance of veteran’s homes in Nevada. For more information contact
the State Division of Veterans Affairs at (775) 688-1155.
When should I apply for an exemption?
For an exemption to be used on real property, the application must be made and the exemption card signed on or before June 15 preceding the fiscal year the taxes are payable. If the exemption is to be applied to personal property or a motor vehicle, the exemption card may be signed any time on or before the dates such taxes are due.