
Frequently Asked Questions


I received a Deed Processing Notice. What am I supposed to do? Click here for an example.

The Deed Processing Notice is sent by a company unrelated to Humboldt County. According to this company, some jurisdictions across the Country do not provide copies or originals of recorded documents. However, County Recorders in Nevada return the original document after processing, to the address provided on the document. Copies may also be purchased from the Humboldt County Recorder for $1.00 per page; significantly less than what is being requested through some outside source.


What is the responsibility of the Assessor´s Office?

Our responsibility is to estimate property values. We do not set the tax rate nor do we collect taxes. It is our duty, by law, to discover all taxable property in Humboldt County, appraise its value, then calculate 35% of that appraised value to arrive at the assessed value.

Why have values increased in such a poor economy? Click here for an explanation.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader and if you do not have it, you can click here to go to their website and install it.

What is this card I get in the mail in December? What does it all mean?

Click here for a description of the Assessment Card.

Want a Quick Facts Guide to understanding Nevada's property tax system? Request the Nevada Taxpayer's Association's guide to be mailed to you or come by our office and pick one up.

Who determines the tax rate?

The tax rate for the individual tax districts is established each spring by the Nevada Tax Commission from budgets submitted by local government entities such as the City of Winnemucca, Humboldt County, the Fire Protection Districts, School District and others. Services provided by these governmental bodies are a result of those budgets and any questions about government services should be directed to those agencies and not to the Assessor, Treasurer or Board of Equalization.

Who collects taxes?

The Humboldt County Treasurer collects taxes based on the tax bills sent out each July. Questions regarding taxes paid or amounts due should be directed to that office at (775) 623-6444.

What is the difference between the “appraised” and the “assessed” value of property?

The appraised value of your land is the Assessor’s estimate of its market value, taking into account its location, zoning, actual use, etc. The appraised value of your buildings is their estimated replacement cost new less depreciation. When your property is new, the first tax bill you receive is based on your total assessed value, which is 35% of your total appraised value. Thereafter, depending on the type of property, your taxes are not to increase by more than 3% for primary residences or qualified rental properties and by a calculated percentage according to NRS 361.4722 for all other property. Changes in use or new construction added to your property is calculated outside the cap.

Why would my taxes change?

There are a number of reasons why your taxes would change now with the passage of the tax cap law. They change when either your tax rate changes or your assessed value changes.  Your assessed value can change because of a boundary change, new construction, change in use, or reappraisal. Your value can even remain stagnant from one year to the next and your taxes can still increase! Heres how: If your property increases by 15% one year but your property is capped at 3%, the taxes can increase 3% per year until all 15% of the taxes for the next five years are captured.

What is factoring?

There are two types of land factors and improvement factors. Both are used to keep values current. Land factors are determined by sale prices of land in areas and neighborhoods and are applicable to land not currently in the reappraisal cycle. Statistical analysis of sales in an area or neighborhood is used to arrive at a factor for that particular area. Factors can be negative, positive or neutral thereby increasing values, decreasing values or leaving them alone. The Assessor´s Office and the Department of Taxation, Division of Assessment Standards, determine the factors for land and they are taken to the Nevada Tax Commission for approval. The Nevada Tax Commission is responsible for determining improvement factors for given areas around the state and those factors are based on changes in building costs from year to year.

How often would my value change?

It could change annually. Each year, all properties will either be reappraised or their previous assessed value could be factored using factors established or approved by the Nevada Tax Commission.

How does my assessed value relate to market value?

In Nevada, we appraise land according to its market value, then calculate 35% of that value to arrive at the assessed value. Improvements are based on a replacement cost new less depreciation. In other words, we determine how much it would cost to replace the improvement(s), depreciate it at 1.5% per year to arrive at the taxable value. Then we calculate 35% of that value to arrive at the assessed value. Market value has very little bearing on the taxable value of a property, especially as the age of the improvements increase. The 1.5% depreciation is according to Nevada Revised Statutes and the maximum depreciation allowed on real property is 75%.

How can my taxes be increasing when values are dropping ?

This is one of the most frustrating situations for the taxpayer and for the Assessor's Office. The main culprit behind such a phenomenon is the tax cap. Assessed values times the tax rate no longer equals taxes. It is difficult to explain here without examples. Therefore, click here for a much more detailed explanation that can be given in this space.


What if I don't agree with my assessed value?

Assessment notices are mailed in December and June to taxpayers whose value has changed. If you have a question, you may call the Assessor´s Office or come in and talk to an If we are unable to resolve your problem you may appeal to the County Board of Equalization. If you are still not satisfied, you may appeal to the State Board of Equalization, and thereafter, through the court system. Any of these bodies may adjust your assessed value. Appeals to the County Board of Equalization must be filed at the Assessor's Office no later than January 15th or the first business day following January 15th should it fall on a weekend or holiday.

What statutes govern the Assessor's Office?

Assessors in Nevada are governed by a number of statutes and regulations. The main ones are NRS and NAC 361, 361A and 362. Below are links to those statutes and regulation as posted on the Nevada State Legislature website:

NRS 361          NAC 361          NRS 361A          NAC 361A

NAC 361A        NRS 362           NAC 362

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